Installation Guide
Below are the installation guides for UNIX and Windows
Unix Installation
Windows Installation

UNIX Installation
First, locate the compressed tar archive named “plcio-xx.tar.gz” that was shipped with the software package (substitute in the correct version for ‘xx’). This file can be found in the topmost directory on the software CD. Extract the contents of this file into a temporary work directory using the tar command, as follows:

tar –xzvvf plcio-xx.tar.gz


gunzip plcio-xx.tar.gz
tar –xvvf plcio-xx.tar

This will create a new package directory called “plcio-xx”.

Next, change into the “plcio-xx” directory and configure the library using the following command:


This script will prompt you for the installation directories for the system files and the optional Web interface demo. For example, choosing the system directory “/usr/local” will install the binary executables to “/usr/local/bin”, library files to “/usr/local/lib”, and so on. For the Web interface demo, specify the top-level htdocs directory or choose ‘none’ to skip installing the demo files.

Next, type the following commands to clean, compile, and install the source package, respectively:

make clean
make install

The ‘make install’ command installs the PLCIO package files into the following subdirectories off of the chosen system directory:

bin/ Contains the daemon programs enipd and plciod.
include/ Contains the header files for inclusion in user-level applications.
lib/ Contains the main libplc library file and the individual shared libraries for each PLC module.
man/ Contains the manual pages for each of the PLCIO library functions.
plcio/ Contains the data/ directory where the plcio.cfg and other shared system files are located. These files are not installed world-writable by default.

Windows Installation
Compiling PLCIO under Windows requires first setting up the MinGW build environment. Since this is a complicated process, the package includes a binary ZIP archive of PLCIO for easy installation.

Binary Installation

First, locate the ‘winplcio.zip’ file that is included on the software CD in the ‘windows’ subfolder. Double-click on that file and extract the contents to “C:\Program Files”. This will create a new folder called PLCIO that contains the bin, include, lib, man, and plcio folders like with the UNIX installation mentioned above.

For PLCIO applications to run, first copy the “C:\Program Files\PLCIO\lib\libplc.dll” file to the same folder where your application resides, or alternatively copy it to a directory in the library search path, such as “C:\Windows\System32”.

Source Installation

You will first need to install the MinGW build environment in order to compile PLCIO on a Windows operating system. To do this, follow the instructions in the "Getting Started" link on the website http://www.mingw.org/wiki. During the installation, be sure to select the MinGW Developer Toolkit.

After installation, click on Start → Programs → MinGW → MinGW Shell to bring up a UNIX-like command prompt. Next, follow the instructions given in the UNIX installation section to compile and install PLCIO from source. Note that when running the ./configure script, the default installation directory is “/c/Program Files/PLCIO”. This corresponds to “C:\Program Files\PLCIO” in Windows and is the recommended installation directory for the Windows operating system.

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